Peacehaven & District Chamber of Commerce

Peacehaven & District Chamber Breakfast Club Meeting

Introducing Our Next Meeting on 17th September

Guest Speaker Peacehaven Town Mayor Cllr Debbie Donovan

Peacehaven Town Mayor – Cllr Debbie Donovan

Cllr Debbie Donovan our newly elected Peacehaven Town Mayor will briefly summarize her activities since becoming Mayor.

Debbie will also discuss future events & fundraisers she has planned in the coming months & how the Chamber of Commerce can support her, while and at the same time highlighting their businesses.


Chris Ward – MP for Brighton, Kemptown and Peacehaven

MP Chris Ward will also accompany Debbie so he can introduce himself to his electorate.

Chris will be invited back to the Chamber in the New Year as a Guest Speaker so he can give a talk on his MP work to date.

About the Breakfast Meeting

Peacehaven & District Chamber of Commerce meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month at The Saltdean Lido, The Oval Park, Saltdean Park Rd, Saltdean, Brighton BN2 8SP

As well as having the opportunity to promote your business, meet potential clients, source new suppliers and mingle with like-minded people, our meetings impart a wealth of information through a programme of member-led workshops and presentations from external speakers.

The breakfasts are friendly and sociable, and guests are most welcome. We ask that any non-members that would like to attend contact us, using the contact form below, in advance so that we can cater for numbers. 

What's involved?

Members arrive at around 7 am. Between 7:00 and 7:30 there’s an opportunity for free networking over a tea or coffee. At 7:30 when everyone is seated, breakfast is served. Each member is given the opportunity to give a sixty-second presentation to the group about their business. After the sixty-second round, either a guest speaker or a Chamber member is given the opportunity to give a ten-minute presentation to impart advice and useful information on their given area of expertise. The guest speaker is followed up with a referral and testimonial round where members can provide testimonials for businesses they have used and pass on recommendations for future business.

Full English breakfast at the Peacehaven & District Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Club

Objectives of the Breakfast Club

  • To promote members’ businesses through regular networking meetings
  • To generate business referrals for member businesses
  • To learn about other member businesses
  • To develop relationships with members to build goodwill and trust
  • To increase awareness and membership of the Chamber


Saltdean Lido,

The Oval Park,

Saltdean Park Rd,




Map (opens in a seperate window)


First and third Tuesday of the month from 7am to 8.30am


Members on an annual subscription, and guests pay for their breakfast on the day at £15 per breakfast.  You can save as a regular attendee if you join as a monthly member, where the cost of your breakfast is covered by your membership fee. Full English, veggie or fresh fruit salad breakfasts are available. 

How to Book

Members are emailed a booking form prior to each breakfast. Guests are very welcome. We ask that any non-members, who would like to attend, contact us in advance, using the contact form below, so that we can cater for numbers.